Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back in the USA

Well, we're back and the time went too fast. Wasn't able to get on the internet on the trip so I'll have to try and remember it today. First of all, Jon had a wonderful time. He had such fun with his cousins, riding tractors, till soil, seeing where his grandfather was born that I'm sure he's already planning a visit when we go for a couple of months next year. He felt wonderful on the trip and was up and at them early in the morning. He found that Rome was too crowded but did enjoy what he did see. Was awed by the Sistine Chapel, but who wouldn't be. Our first visit was to Fiorina and Brunos home. Their grandchildren have grown so much but little Lorenzo is still the energizer bunny. Grandma and Grandpa are still working land that is really in town. Raising sheep, cows, pigs, turkeys. Jon showed off his stuff by herding turkeys with a stick. More tomorrow, time for bed for me. The stroke still makes me tired.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Well, the time if finally approaching and the butterflies are setting in. Drs. appts. have kept me busy. Ear tests, Okay, MRI, Thursday and we'll see what happens. Spoke with BA about our passport information and it's all done. Makes check in a lot easier. I think Jon is getting nervous about the long flight. Hope he sleeps from here to London. It's 10 hours so he should. I'll send this address to other people before we leave. Packing is easy. Cigarettes should arrive by Saturday. Playing this a little close. Well, back to the ironing board and a lot of zip lock bags for packing. Also, gifts to wrap for the family. The time to go there seems to never come and when you get there, it goes to fast.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hotel Orlanda

Well, we just talked to the hotel in Rome and they have a shuttle service from the airport to the hotel. That's good because I wasn't comfortable walking in the late evening with luggage in Rome. Everything is all arranged. 26 days to go and counting. Just heard that Athens has forrest fires. I hope that McCauleys are going to be able to see it and that it is out so they can when they arrive in the Country. We found we need tickets for the Forum and the colliseum in Rome. We were advised to get them at the Forum, shorter lines and the tickets are for both. Time goes so slow when your going and so fast when your there. I'm not as dizzy today so maybe the meds are finally helping. Vertigo is no fun.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Getting Anxious

The time seems to be going so slowly. 33 days but whose counting. Jon wants to go below the alter in St. Peters where some of the Popes are burried so I ordered tickets for that. It wasn't included on our tour the the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museum. So anxious to see the family. Also anxious for some real Italian food. Got all my cookbooks out but the ingredients in Italy are better. Can't wait for the 3 months when I can shop and cook. Still in Pinetop but go down in a couple of weeks. Sept. 2nd. to be exact. Getting a new bag for my computer so it will fit the new one. Only 29.00 and it rolls so that's good. Till next time.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tickets to the Vatican

Well, today I made arrangements via e-mail with the Vatican. This was to order tickets online for a tour of the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel. It's been 25 years since we went there when we took Mark and Anne for the Wedding Gift. It's going to be very exciting to see this all again. No visit with the Pope this time though. I didn't have Anne's luck this year. She arranged it 25 years ago. Getting more excited by the day, not only to see the family but to show Jon Italy.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Some very good friends are coming to spend the Month of May with us in Italy. We've traveled all over the world with them. The family in Italy has all met Claudia and Norb Tesmer so it won't be like they've never met them. Dave and I are so excited to be given this opportunity by our Family over there. It's such a blessing. Less than 2 months to go and we'll be seeing them. Hurray.