Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back in the USA

Well, we're back and the time went too fast. Wasn't able to get on the internet on the trip so I'll have to try and remember it today. First of all, Jon had a wonderful time. He had such fun with his cousins, riding tractors, till soil, seeing where his grandfather was born that I'm sure he's already planning a visit when we go for a couple of months next year. He felt wonderful on the trip and was up and at them early in the morning. He found that Rome was too crowded but did enjoy what he did see. Was awed by the Sistine Chapel, but who wouldn't be. Our first visit was to Fiorina and Brunos home. Their grandchildren have grown so much but little Lorenzo is still the energizer bunny. Grandma and Grandpa are still working land that is really in town. Raising sheep, cows, pigs, turkeys. Jon showed off his stuff by herding turkeys with a stick. More tomorrow, time for bed for me. The stroke still makes me tired.